“A Guide to INDIGENOUS TREES for Sustainable Plantations on Mt Kilimanjaro”
Authors: Claudia Hemp, Beatrice Mmary, Dominick Kavishe and Andreas Hemp
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 40
In this booklet 20 tree species typical for the submontane plantation belt, partly originating from the montane forest zone, are treated. We provide information about their propagation, Agroforestry, edible and medicinal uses.
The following trees are depicted: Afrocarpus (Podocarpus) falcatus – Bastard Yellowwood, Albizia schimperiana Oliv., Calodendron capense – Cape Chestnut, Cordia africana, Croton megalocarpus, Entandrophragma excelsum – Tallest Tree of Africa, Ficus lutea – Dahomey Rubber Tree, Garcinia tanzaniensis, Hagenia abyssinica – East African Rosewood, Khaya anthotheca – White Mahogany, Leptonychia usambarensis, Macaranga kilimandscharica, Milicia excelsa – African Teak, Newtonia buchananii – East African Newtonia, Olea africana – Wild or African Olive, Podocarpus latifolius – Broad-leaved Yellowwood – Podo, Polyscias fulva, Prioria msoo (Harms) Breteler, Spathodea campanulata – African Tulip Tree, and Trichilia emetica – Natal Mahogany.
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“A Field Guide to Bushcrickets, Wetas and Raspy Crickets of Tanzania and Kenya”
Author: Claudia Hemp
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 451
This field guide covers northern to central Tanzania, southern Kenya, and parts of central Kenya. Most species are illustrated by live specimens; generally, adult males and females are depicted, along with selected nymphal stages. For species-rich genera, morphological details are provided, together with keys to genera and species as well as distribution maps for most taxa. The enclosed DVD features the songs of 185 species. More than 270 bushcricket species are treated, including raspy crickets (7 genera) and wetas (2 genera). The majority of the species shown are from the family Tettigoniidae, particularly from the subfamily Conocephalinae (including the tribes Agraeciini, Conocephalini and Copiphorini); in addition, the subfamilies Hetrodinae, Hexacentrinae, Meconematinae, Saginae, and Mecopodinae are represented as well. The subfamily Phaneropterinae is the most diverse in the area, with six genera in the tribe Acrometopini, plus representatives of the tribes Amblycoryphini, Catoptropterigini, Ducetiini, Holochlorini, Odonturini, Otiaphysini, Pardalotini, Phaneropterini, Terpnistrini and Tylopsidini. Genera of ungrouped Phaneropterinae in the area include Ectomoptera, Eulioptera, Euryastes, Lunidia, Materuana, Meruterrana, Oxyecous, Pseudopreussia, Sentia and Tropidonotacris. The subfamily Pseudophyllinae is also present with six genera (Acauloplax, Cymatomera, Cymatomerella, Pseudotomias, Stenampyx and Zabalius).
-> For more information see press release
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“Medicinal Plants of Kilimanjaro”
Authors: Kerstin Hemp, Betty Mmary, Andreas Hemp & Claudia Hemp
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 92
In this booklet 55 medicinal and one cultural important plant species are reviewed. Information is based on own field work and complemented with reviews of the already known properties of these plants. The treated plants are: Acmella caulirhiza, Adansonia digitata (Baobab), Adenia gummifera, Aframomum angustifolium, Alangium chinense (Chinese Alangium), Albizia petersiana (Peter´s Silk Tree), Alchemilla volkensii (Volken´s Lady´s Mantle), Aloe volkensii (Volken´s Aloe), Barleria micrantha, Basella alba (Indian Spinach), Bidens pilosa (Beggar´s Ticks), Bryophyllum pinnatum (Mother of Millions), Conyza floribunda (Horseweed), Cycnium volkensii, Dracaena fragrans (Fragrant Dracaena), Ehretia cymosa, Justicia (= Adhatoda) engleriana, Galinsoga parviflora (Gallant Soldier), Kalanchoe crenata (Nerverdie), Launaea cornuta (Bitter Lettuce), Momordica foetida, Myrsine melanophloeos, Nicandra physalodes (Apple of Peru), Oxalis corniculata (Creeping Wood Sorrel), Oxystigma msoo, Pilea rivularis, Psiadia punctulata, Psidium guayava (Guava Tree), Pterolobium stellatum (Redwing Bush), Phyllanthus suffrutescens, Raphanus sativus (Radish), Rhipsalis baccifera (Mistletoe Cactus), Rhoicissus tridentata (Bushman´s Grape), Rytigynia schumannii (Pendent-fruit coffee-medlar), Ricinus communis (Castor-oil Plant), Rumex steudelii (Steudels Sorrel), Salvia coccinea (Scarlet Sage), Satureja abyssinica, Senecio discifolius, Solanecio angulatus, Solanum incanum (Bitter Apple), Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade), Sphaeranthus bullatus, Tagetes minuta (Muster-John-Henry), Tamarindus indica (Tamarind Tree), Tephrosia vogelii (Fish Poison Bush), Terminalia brownii, Tetradenia riparia (Ginger Bush), Thunbergia alata (Black-eyed Susan), Tithonia diversifolia (Tree Marigold), Toddalia asiatica (Orange Climber), Tridax procumbens (Tridax Daisy), Triumfetta flavescens, Viola abyssinica (Abyssinian Violet), Wahlenbergia abyssinica, and Zehneria scabra.
“Jago´s grasshoppers & locusts of East and North East Africa. An identification handbook. Vol. 4. Acrididae: Euryphyminae, Cyrtacanthacridinae, Oedipodinae”
Authors: Claudia Hemp & Hugh Rowell
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 232
-> For more information see https://www.blurb.com/b/9995517-jago-s-grasshoppers-of-east-and-north-east-africa
“Kilimanjaro ecosystems under global change: Linking biodiversity, biotic interactions and biogeochemical ecosystem processes”
Authors: Claudia Hemp, Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Markus Fischer & Andreas Hemp
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 164
Kili-SES builds on data from the predecessor project “Kilimanjaro ecosystems under global change: Linking biodiversity, biotic interactions and biogeochemical ecosystem processes”, which ran from 2010 to 2018. The the main findings from this long-term ecologocial research project are summed up in a booklet.
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